Maximum non adjacent subsequence
Given an arrays of \(A\) size \(N\), find a sequence of non adjacent value with the larger sum, the sequence should be something like \(A_i, A_{i+k}, A_{i+k'}, \cdots, A_{i+k^n}, \forall k > 1\)
It’s easy to solve this problem with dynamic programming
int dp(std::vector<int> &v, int index) {
if(index >= v.size())
return 0;
if(memo[index] != -1)
return memo[index];
// including the current value "v[index]" require to skip the next at "index + 1"
int incl = v[index] + dp(v, index + 2);
// excluding the current value allows us to consider the next value at "index + 1"
int excl = dp(v, index + 1);
memo[index] = std::max(incl, excl);
return memo[index];
Using a similar intuition it’s possible to come up with a linear solution
int linear(std::vector<int> &v) {
int incl = v[0], excl = 0, tmp;
for(int i=1; i<N; ++i){
tmp = incl;
incl = max(incl, excl + v[i]);
excl = tmp;
return std::max(incl, excl);
By analyzing all possible cases we see that
- if
incl > excl + v[i]
we don’t care for the current value, hence we can decide both to consider the next element or to skip it. Soincl
is going to be equal toexcl
- if
incl < excl + v[i]
has the current value, whileexcl
is set to the previous value ofincl
Basically at every iteration incl
and excl
are swapped (except for the case when using a value doesn’t led to a better solution)
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